Shipping Fee & Services

  • Lightweight item shipping cost:
    • $10 for all first 03 items
    • $3 for both 4th & 5th items
    • $2.50 from the 6th item
  • These items are consider as light items:
    • Lovercare 60ml lotion and 60ml shower cream
    • Lovercare Babymac travel size
    • Lovercare Hand Sanitizer
    • Lovercare Hand Wash
    • Lovercare 1-piece face mask
    • Loverse Paris cosmetics
    • Lover’s Hair Salon colouring shampoo
    • Comsilk Luxscent Scent Booster
  • Regular weight item shipping cost:
    • $12 for all first 03 items
    • $4 for both 4th & 5th items
    • $3 from the 6th item
  • Regular items include:
    • Regular size lotion & shower cream
    • Hair shampoo, conditioner, and scalp tonic
    • Multi-piece mask box
  • Heavy weight item shipping cost:
    • $25 for the 1st items
    • $23 for the 2nd items
    • $22 from the 3rd item
  • Heavy items include:
    • Each bottle of 3-Litres Softlan liquid detergent
    • Each bottle of 3 & 5-Litres Comsilk Liquid Softener
    • Each pack of 2-Kg Comsilk Powder Detergent
    • The whole box of 12-Pack Naturoma cones
    • The whole box of 6-Pack Naturoma candles
    • The whole box of 6-Pack Bowl Fresh
    • The whole box of 29-Pack 200grams Comsilk detergent